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eToken Family of Products

eToken, produced by Aladdin, is a fully portable USB device the size of an average house key, which offers a cost-effective method for authenticating users when accessing a network, and for securing electronic business applications. eToken is compatible with Smartcard standards, and can be used with software that integrates with smartcards, such as SSH Communications' encryption products, and Novell's eDirectory. eToken is now Entrust Ready.

We offer four eToken products to fit your security needs:

eToken Enterprise

Integrate eToken into your existing IT infrastructure using eToken Enterprise's out-of-the-box, plug & play security clients for authentication, remote access and digital certificate storage.

eToken SDK

Create a custom USB-based security application with this user-friendly software developer's kit (SDK).

eToken R2

Offers powerful 120-bit DES-X, two-factor authentication.

eToken PRO

Offers on-key RSA 1024-bit encryption operations for seamless integration into PKI architectures.

Providing the Tools and Expertise to Secure Cyberspace