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Zero-Footprint Acquisition for Apple iPhone™, iPod Touch™ and iPad™

Forensically secure data recovery from the complex environment that is the iPhone requires a specialist solution. iXAM® is able to provide comprehensive, non-invasive data recovery from 2G, 3G, 3GS and iPhone 4™ models as well as the iPod Touch™ and iPad 1.

The forensic read is a byte level physical data copy which can be set to target specific data sets or the entire file system. The secure extraction technique creates a full forensic image of the device via USB download, which can be retained for additional investigations in the future. An evidential report can then be produced along with an XML audit trail covering the data extraction process.

iXAM is produced by Forensic Telecommunications Services Ltd., a world leader in the extraction, analysis and presentation of data from mobile telephones, cellular networks and all forms of computing and mobile communications technology.


iXAM kitiXAM kit hi-res

Providing the Tools and Expertise to Secure Cyberspace